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The Future of Energy, Climate, and Geopolitics
Exploring — and shaping — the future of energy: Statoil’s Energy Perspectives and Climate Roadmap
How solar activity and atmospheric winds influence our climate - Interview with Javier Vinós
Future of U.S. Climate and Energy Leadership
The Tipping Points of Climate Change — and Where We Stand | Johan Rockström | TED
Will renewables stop the climate crisis? | DW Documentary
Do we Need Nuclear Energy to Stop Climate Change?
Equinor’s Energy Perspectives and Climate Roadmap update 2018
Talk Africa: Climate crisis, time for a rethink?
AI Must Innovate to Save, Not Waste Energy: A Climate Perspective
Combating Climate Change: Developing a Sustainable Energy Future - Robert Armstrong
Do we need nuclear energy against climate change? | Christian von Hirschhausen | TEDxTUBerlin